I arrived at work as usual, was conducting an invoice check when on this TV show a lady was talking about a plane had hit into the side of a WTC building. She said it was a clear morning with no fog to hender the flight pattern. At that moment I along with many others who was watching this news coverage, witnessed a plane in the background that hit the WTC a second time. Then the station broke into a commercial, and when the news returned is when the word was spoken that sent chills through most of America. I was in shock that such a horriable act could be committed against so many innocent people, not just in New York, but throughout Americia. Then I watched helplessly as so many other American's did and listened to every word that was spoken over the news broadcast, and I cried for the ones who was there.
Time seemed to just stop at that moment in life. I was sad, for all the people who was trapped there, and for the families who was so shocked and scared. Then I wondered how all those people must have felt going through such a heartless evil attack.
Then I became angery at the faceless cowards who was not brave enough to fight their fight against the US and had to play God with the lives of so many innocent people.
All Americia comes together as one
For days I kept listening to the news of the horriable event that had taken place on September eleventh. I watched as fire fighters, police officers, military and every day people just like myself worked long hard hours to remove the rumble to seek out the bodies of the innocent who had been slain or injured. I cried for those who was taken away from not only their families, but from all of us as well. I cried and prayed for the mother's and father's, for the brother's and sister's, the husbands and wives, and the children who was left with such a sudden emptyness inside. I cried for all the souls that was taken from us not only in the WTC buildings, but also for the ones on the planes.
Then I prayed for the heartless cowards who was behind this heartless act of evil.
Just when the cowards thought they had all America helpless, and was braging of their victory, that's when they was awakened to the surprise that no matter how we as American's fight amongst ourselves, in the darkest hour we lay down our differences and stand united together and become as one.
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