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America Will Survive

Have you Forgotten


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My Dedication
To all who parished on September 11, 2001, and to their families.

To the brave military men and women who when called on to go fight for my countries behalf, goes with a high head and a pride.

To all the family members of my countries military forces, thank you for sharing your family with me.

To all who gave their all for my country, my land, my life, and my freedom.

You are my and my countries HEROS!

To Kevin (thumper) who is one of my countries heros who vowed to keep my country and all of us in this country free. Thank you for fighting for my freedom and rights, for being a wonderful person, a great friend, and for being one of many who will never forget.I know you will tell me I give you too much credit, but I only give credit where credit is due, and you and the many others who do what you do for me, others like me and our country deserves the credit for being this nations heros.

I am proud to live in America where I know I'm free, and very proud to know I have a neighbor somewhere in this great country that will give their all, from their blood to their life for my freedom.

God bless all my heros,

May we never forget

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me

The serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change

The things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.